I am currently residing in one of the most beautiful areas of the Wyldoming wilderness. Cool,
breezy summers, cold, often long winter's, and a spectacular Mountain range a mere hours drive away. It
is a beautiful area for 4-Wheeling, Hunting, fishing, and kickin' back with a cold one once and a while. If you ever
get the chance to check this country out, you would definately understand what draws someone here.....it is
pretty hard too beat sometimes, when you look at the major city's and all the population, and problems associated with
that type of life. I know I would much rather stay planted here, for at least a little while if given the choice between
the two.
I enjoy collecting a variety of things..........Guitars, Music, LP's, 45's, Cassette Tapes, DVD's, CD's,
unusual and unique books and jewelry, and the list goes on............but I also like to collect........Italian Spring
Steel Automatic knives too.
I am still on the hunt for that Most Special knife folks, so if any of you have it.........let's have it, don't
be shy, give me a holler and maybe we can work something out..........who knows maybe we could even strike up a fair trade.......
More Quality Italian Switchblade Automatic
What a job!
Sitting at a computer, making new friends and relationships across the country and world
often times. What a great invention, who would have known 10 years ago that things would have progressed like they have. I
for one am thankful for all the technology that is available to the mass'es!
I might describe my job in a little more detail here. I'll write about what I do, what I like best about it, and even some
of the frustrations. (A job with frustrations? Hard to believe, huh?)
Favorite Concert DVD's
The Grateful Dead................
Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:
Kill Bill, Kill Bill Vol. 2, Apocolypse Now, Meet the Focker's, Fritz
the Cat, Crumb.........and the list goes on!
Here's a list of some of my favorite music:
Grateful Dead, The Other Ones, Bruce Hornsby, Gov't Mule, Jethro Tull,
Dio, ZZ Top.........and I think I would run out of space if I kept going. I tend to like the music that meant a little something
when it was popular.
I do not, and cannot handle Hard Core Rap.......I think it spreads an unhealthy message to the youth that it is geared
towards......they are not good "Role Model's" in my opinion, and part of the reason that today's youth seem to be acting out
the way most of them do!